With one of my favorite new television shows beginning it new season, The Walking Dead, it prompted me to think about some of the events that often happen in zombie movies and/or t.v. shows. Many of us think we know what we will do when Z-Day occurs; not IF... WHEN. It will be the goal of this post to better prepare some of you to survive a little longer. Some will need this information more than others. Make no mistake about it: You know who you are, so pay attention. I don't want to have to be the one yelling at your dead body after I've just removed your ignorant head... Nothing looks worse than a guy yelling at a dead body after he just decapitated it, regardless of how the body got there...
The following helpful thoughts are in no particular, but equally important order. **NOTE** Some of these images are graphic. Not apologizing, just letting you know. **

2. ZOMBIES DO NOT REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE! - Classic mistake made in novels and cinema. If your dear spouse hungered for you during life, they will still want to ravish you after becoming a Z, but it gives new meaning to the phrase 'love bite.' Cousin Roy isn't going to see you, snap out of it, and ask to borrow a wet-wipe and a toothpick to remove Aunt Ruth from his teeth. Zombies are reduced to the primal instinct of eating. YOU still have a working brain, USE IT. There will be plenty of time for crying later; just do it quietly. I'm not getting eaten because of your crush on the neighbor living in 3C.

3. BOOM! HEADSHOT! - One in the head ensures they are dead. Zombies' internal organs no longer function, thus they have no pain synapses to fire when you shoot them in the leg or chest. The only part of the brain that is still working is that small area with the hunger instinct and some semblance of basic motor control. The only way to kill an undead stalker is to pierce the brain, preferably at the stem. DO NOT waste time shooting or stabbing it anywhere else.While you are bashing Patricia Pinata with your broomstick, another Z is likely to join your party and begin its own party by gnawing at the back of your neck... I've seen it a million times... (See photo #1)
4. DO NOT SAY, "Did you hear something over there?!" AND GO INTO THE DARK, SPOOKY, AND CREEPY AREA!- This also happens way more than it should in movies. I mean, come on. If you've seen a zombie movie in the last 20 years, has anything awesome EVER come out of taking this action? I assure you that NO ONE has ever uttered these words and then followed it with, "Hey! I just found the winning lottery ticket!", "OMG! A double rainbow!" , or "SURPRISE! The zombie apocalypse was just a joke. Well, we had to actually eat your friends and family to make it seem believable, but it worked! You shoulda seen your face!"
Basically, if you encounter a space like this: You should do this:
There is no shame in NOT investigating a strange and eerie space, no matter what those assholes Velma and Fred say.
5. CHOOSE APPROPRIATE WEAPONS! - For the love of everything good and holy, do not wait until you come across a belt-fed Vindicator BF1 to decide on a weapon. A revolver of almost any make, a handgun with a magazine, or even a rifle will do equal damage if you put the time into learning how to use it properly! (I do advise against anything without a silencer unless it's absolutely necessary. The noise will draw any other Z's who may be near.) All I'm saying is that if you HAVE to use a Louisville Slugger, it'll work. I wouldn't advise it, but it would work. Chainsaws, scythes, katanas, machetes, and many other handheld weapons will do the trick. PLEASE remember to keep the zombie blood out of any open wounds, eyes, mouth, etc. It can pass just as easily this way as it does via saliva. Be smart. Use ranged weapons when possible, but don't get killed simply because Macy's didn't have an automatic AK47 in your size.
6. PACK ONLY THE NECESSITIES! - People often mistake deodorant, toothbrushes, or soap as a necessity. WRONG! You aren't going to the Orlando Holiday Inn, people. Zombies don't need to be attracted by your awesome new perfume to find you. The fact that you are simply alive is reason enough to put you on the menu. In the movies, survivors almost always focus on weapons, which is a good start. However, think a little more into the future. I suggest you pack a bag ahead of time. Though a complete list (or very close to it) can be found in Max Brooks' The Zombie Survival Guide, I'll list some of the more important items: primary weapon and ammo, gun cleaning kit, secondary weapon and ammo, knife, flashlight, emergency flares, signaling mirror, full canteen, 2 ways to make fire, hiking boots, bedroll, daily rations, and two pair of socks. This is an abbreviated list. Keeping these items in a backpack will help you whether you have to stay put or get on the road.
I'm sure I'll get back to this subject later on. It seems like me and zombies go together like Jack and Coke, ham and eggs, Cagney and Lacey, well, you get the idea. Stay safe, keep your bug-out bag handy, stay alert, and we'll meet up over at the old Johnson farm when the shit hits the fan.
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